Episode 7: Sun-Speckled Belly and Backyard Dances

Sometimes the immensity of this undertaking,

having a baby during a pandemic, ⁣

being without income, ⁣ reinventing an already new business that was just findings its legs, ⁣

navigating all of the uncertainty and risk and potential for disaster,⁣ ⁣

overwhelms me and fills me with doubt and fear. ⁣ ⁣

And I go to my room and I cry and fall asleep for a bit ⁣

and my partner and children give me space to process ⁣

and heal ⁣

and gather my strength to rise and face it all ⁣ ⁣

and I find some clarity ⁣

and I remember I am strong ⁣

and I know together we will get through it ⁣

and welcome this new life into whatever reality we’re in when it arrives ⁣

with love and grace and open arms ⁣ ⁣

and I feel ok. ⁣ ⁣

So I get up and walk out of my room and outside into the sunshine

to hugs and greetings of “mommy’s awake!”

and go about another day. ⁣

23 Weeks



Episode 6: Freedom is a Day at the Beach


Episode 8: Public Symphysis and Public Transportation Blues